a) Function being tested 1. Cash withdrawl 2. Deposit 3. Transfer 4. Balance inquiry 5. Transaction abortion b) Initial state of system 1. System is on and idle, card is inserted 2. System is on and idle, card is inserted 3. System is on and idle, card is inserted 4. System is on and idle, card is inserted 5. System is on, card is inserted, transaction is pending c) Action to take 1. Withdrawl transaction from checking ($20) 2. Deposit to checking ($20) 3. Transfer from checking to savings ($20) 4. Balance inquiry 5. Hit cancel when withdrawing, depositing, and inquiring on the balance d) Expected outcome 1. The system will output that $20 has been withdrawn * 2. The system will output that $20 has been deposited and the balance will increase by $20 * 3. The system will output that $20 has been transferred, checking will lose $20 and savings will gain $20 4. The correct balance will be output 5. The transaction will end, the system will ask if another transaction is wanted, and the balances will not be altered Defects: 1. System outputs $40 when $20 is selected 2. The program shows that only $10 was deposited 3. The program shows that $19.50 was transferred rather than $20 4. No defect 5. No defect