Changes in Brython version 2.1.3 ================================ New features ============ - support of str.encode and bytes.decode for most used encodings : ascii, iso-8859-1, utf-8 - implement built-in function compile() - improved implementations of bytes and bytearray - add expandtabs to string module - add support of "infinity" in (eg float("-Inf")) - add magic variable to make_dist; compact stdlib_paths.js - add getfilesytemencoding() function to sys module - set string.encode argument encoding default = 'utf-8' - add NotImplemented keyword - add code variables to builtin functions (used by inspect module) - add additional docs and codes to builtin functions - add attributes __repr__ and __str__ to bool() and object() - convert if else to switch statement - change implementation of open() Bug fixes ========= - issues with global variables in functions of imported modules - bug in built-in function list() - JSObject __set__ bug - improved implementation of compile() and of function attribute __code__ - bug in comparison of lists : with a==b, a>=b returned False - bugs dealing with builtin help function/pydoc module - bug with exception attribute "traceback" - bug in generators when the "yield" is inside an "if" or "else" block - bug with itertools.product : failed with CPython for product('abc', []) - fix HTMLTestRunner str/bytes decode issue - issue #196 : implement parsing of complex numbers (1+2j) - issue #267 : `'123'.split('')` should raise a `ValueError` - issue #268 : base64 encoding and decoding is not working - issue #269 : dir function does not return a list of strings - issue #270 : foreignObject is missing in SVG implementation - issue #272 : built-in round() truncates instead of rounding - issue #273 : function executed via set_timeout is ran outside try/except - issue #274 : REGRESSION: Global assignment not working on import - issue #275 : string.split with keyword maxsplit fails on certain cases - issue #276 : Using regular expression pattern, I cannot do a search Demos ===== Standard distribution ===================== - csv and configparser are supported Documentation ============= - update documentation with supported built-in classes and function - replace "doc" by "document"