Instructions for Building the UCaPE-J8-G2.4-buildNumber This zip file contains all the files required to set up an Eclipse project with associated libraries for the book Using Concurrency and Parallelism Effectively by Jon Kerridge of Edinburgh Napier University published by The software is also used on the Edinburgh Napier University module SET09109 Fundamentals of Parallel Systems copy the files to your C drive by using Extract all to C:\ This will create a folder called C:\UCaPE-J8-G2.4-buildNumber You should now build a current version Eclipse system and install the Groovy2.4 plugin. The version of Eclipse used is best installed using the Eclipse installer and Groovy plugin version 2.4 obtained from Create a new Eclipse workspace on your system say (drive):\UCaPEWS You can then import the project directly into Eclipse from the library folder. Do NOT unzip this file just import as an existing project This will create two projects ChapterExamples and ChapterExercises and provided you have created the library folder correctly should link all the required library files immediately. The sources should also link to the documentation folders for both Groovy Parallel and JCSP If you are not using Eclipse then you still need to create the library structure that is implicit within the extracted library and then use the zip file to obtain the sources of the program examples and exercises referred to in the book. The documentation for JCSP and Groovy Parallel are held in the folders GPdocs-buildNumber and JCSPdocs-buildNumber.