So you've desided to try the loganalyzer, and as usual (us Windows users sure are used to getting everything served on a platter, aren't we?) you don't have a clue as to how to use this utility, right? Well, in case you haven't noticed, it's a Perl script, so obviously you have to have Perl installed on your computer. Whether you have or not, you can easily check this way: Do Win-R 'cmd' to get to a DOS prompt. It's important that you do it this way, and not via some old shortcut that will end up using COMMAND.COM rather than CMD.EXE. Then issue the command 'perl -version'. If you get a screen-full of information about your Perl installation, you're ready to move on, if not you must surf to and navigate to a proper install. Once you've got Perl installed, you must get a certain TimeDate utility installed. If you (like I had) have an old Perl installation, you first must update the PPM package. Issue the command 'ppm' to enter the interactive Perl Package Manager. Then give the command 'install ppm'. Now a lot of information will pass across the screen, and eventually a new window will open. This is because you may be running an old ppm shell, and obviously you need to exit that gracefully and then reenter it, before you can continue. Be very careful to follow all the instructions in the new window exactly! After this you can once again enter 'ppm' and instruct it to 'install TimeDate' (case sensitive!). Once again a lot of information will pass by on your screen, and finally you'll be told that TimeDate was successfully installed. Now, all you have to do is give the command 'quit', and then navigate to the directory where you have the '' file saved -- I recommend that this happens to be the same directory that you have your 'jamnntpd.log' and 'jamnntpd.users' files. Then all you have to do is give the command 'perl jamnntpd.log > logana.txt' to get an analysis, using all the default settings, into a text file 'logana.txt'. You probably will end up writing a batch file with all the necessary parameter switches to make the logana.txt look like you want it to, but that's a completely different ballgame... :)