perkins.config.less +
In this file you can configure the main settings of myself (Perkins) such as defining the grid (Maximun width, Number of Columns and Gutter Width); by default it is set to 960px as you may expect. Then you can set the Typography (Allow me to recommend you the usage of Google Webfonts, pasting the typography name in the config file is enough), base colors like @system (which is used in almost every mixin and helper) and colors for the links (As Andy Clarke said: Links make the web, the web). Finally you have a set of commonly used colors by name like @blue, @orange and much more...
app.less +
Here you can put all your styles using all the awesomeness of LESS.js, If you already know how to write CSS there is almost nothing new to learn but I encourage you to read the LESS.js documentation. Do not remove the first line @import "perkins.config.less"; because otherwise I cannot be at your service ;)
perkins/ +
This is where I live and wait for you to call me.
p-core.less +
This file load all the styles you need. For example, if you are building a wireframe, why load everything? Just remove the files you do not need and you will be ready to go. In the near future, I will have a command line helper to do it for you. I also plan to include many other cool things, such as a server based in Node.js and an inline helper built with Sammy.js, but that is another story. Stay tuned! ;)
p-feedback.less +
Yep! That's right. There are 4 styles in this file to show some feedback to your users. These are .information, .notice, .success and .error. These styles use the .feedback(); mixin. By reading it, you can easily write your own feedback styles.
p-form.less +
This file helps you to style Form elements, as you could imagine. By default, the included styles are quite simple but you can redesign them to fit the needs for your project.
p-grid.less +
Grids are always a topic of debate. In my case, I sacrifice some extra markup in favor of rapid development. In particular this grid is awesome because it is dynamic: you can specify the amount of total width, number of columns and gutter in the perkins.config.less file... It even support percentages! The values I recommend are 100%, 16, 1%. It is just perfect for web apps.
p-helpers.less +
Helpers make use of the mixins and add some extra guidance in making some cool stuff like navigations form unordered lists via the .h-menu class for a horizontally align menu, and some commonly used styles like .clear, or .btn for creating buttons from links, et al.
p-mixins.less +
Oh the almighty mixins!, Oh yeah, you heard me: Almighty. here is where CSS meets steroids. There are severial mixins ready for use, some of these are: Gradients, Navigation, Alpha, Buttons, and much more!
p-reset.less +
You know what we are talking about. If you don't, it's time to learn!. The "reset" is a bunch of code that styles every tag to zero, so it will look almost the same in every browser once you add your style.
p-structure.less +
Here I re-style varius tags such as: lists, links, and various HTML5 tags as block so these can render as expected
p-table.less +
Basic styling for tables by default. There isn't much, because some of us cheat by using tables, for example, to markup a contact form. If you want a basic style, you can use the .table class.
p-typography.less +
For every designer, typography is more than 80% of the design itself. In this file I try to style it for good readability, vertical rhythm, letter-spacing and other stuff.