Installed Ubuntu 12.04.1 Desktop 32bit on VMWorkstation Installation of Labrea $ sudo apt-get install labrea Installation of FTP Server - Guide I used 1. Installing FTP daemon - sudo apt-get install vsftpd 2. Change anonymous ftp home location to /srv/ftp sudo mkdir /srv/ftp sudo usermod -d /srv/ftp ftp 3. Restart ftp service sudo /etc/init.d/vsftpd restart 4. Copy files/flags to /srv/ftp 5. chmod a-w /srv/ftp/ 6. chmod u+w /srv/ftp/ 7. In vsftpd.conf located in /etc add the following lines chroot_list_enable=YES 8. sudo service vsftpd restart Easy Challenges 1. Exploit FTP nYD2U2JZ0QVzo2AcJAX7Uw== -FTP flag 2. Plain text flag hidden in mp3 file 75cdDeYdcc1XtVPIpMBK3g== -Steg flag Medium Challenge 1. Crack secrets password Flag is subdivided into 3 DES encrypted passwords (3*8) Provide DES class They must write program to decrypt Join together pieces to claim flag Order is not given, they must attempt the various combinations So 3*2*1 = 6 possible combinations to try. Complete key: kQCAyByNvQ0agyGRIw9UDQ== fragment 1: kQCAyByN abigail:A3mpHS1ENiHnI fragment 2: vQ0agyGR bob:IjnuglVW8Abz6 fragment 3: Iw9UDQ== Jack:8zlkrJyoxcE5A Rails app login, flag = password 2. Encrypted steg Packing XOR password - lhfP2OZfuoygzxUxTCwkvg== key: 1337haX0R Stash inside text file Steg into mp3 Cracking Complete steg program Extract text file Write XOR program decrypt password Other 1. Navigate Tarpit Unallocated Keys s0rxzaeeiWUObPKqQD9Zig== Ubuntu Cutomization Kit