ATV Link Maker Version: 0.80 Written by: TexasEric, 2011 This is a simple program with only one file per scrupt, alm-script1.c and alm-script2.c. There are no header files, no Makefiles, no configure files. Very simple... alm-script1 (on your computer): 1. gcc alm-script1.c -o alm-script1 2. If using cygwin, you need to add a link to 'md5'. Type the following at a prompt: ln -s /usr/bin/md5sum.exe /usr/bin/md5.exe 2. If you want to install it just use 'mv' to move it somewhere useful. You MUST have administrator priviledges to run the program. alm-script2 (on your Apple TV): 1. gcc alm-script2.c -o alm-script2 2. If you want to install it just use 'mv' to move it somewhere useful.